New York Legal Funding

Fast Pre-Settlement Loans in New York

Do you live in new york and have suffered a personal injury?

No one can predict an accident where unexpected expenses can add up quickly. And what may make the situation worse is a prolonged legal battle. Many who are involved in a personal injury case cannot afford the medical treatment that they desperately need.  Those adversely affected still have car, mortgage or rent payments but find themselves because of the accident without income. This places a great deal of financial stress to find ways of putting food on the table and to provide for other living expenses. We here at Fortress Legal Funding, our professional funding specialists are available to you in your time of need and can offer you immediate financial support.

The intricate aspects of personal injury cases in New York can take months, even years to resolve before you receive your settlement. Insurance companies are not known for resolving claims quickly and in most lawsuits delay the the process to pressure you to accept less amounts of funds then you rightful deserve. And because of the way the legal system works,  many who have been involved ion a personal injury accident require assistance until the lawsuit reaches it’s conclusion.

At Fortress Legal Funding, we can provide you with financial assistance.  And most of the time within 24 hours. You can begin the legal funding procedure when you decide it is time to do so. Our knowledgeable and courteous staff are here to provided the fastest and most favorable service.  Our process is simple and takes very little time. This will allow you to level the playing field battling deep pocket insurance companies and allow you and your lawyer the time needed to obtain the highest award to compensate you for your injuries and income lost. 

New York Pre-Settlement Funding Requirements

We just need your contact information and best time to reach you along with your lawyer’s name and phone number. That’s all that is  required to start the process ot get your pre-settlement funding for legal funding in New York.

Laws and Regulations of Lawsuit Funding in New York

Important New York Legal Information
Average fundings per month
Average funding amount for Fortress Legal Funding
Fault Laws
Pure Comparative Fault Plaintiff’s damages will be reduced by their own liability, but not barred completely. N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 1411
Statute of Limitations
3 years Civil Practice Laws and Rules, Art. 2, Sec. 214
Minimum policy limits for bodily injury & property damage
$25,000 bodily injury liability per person $50,000 bodily injury liability per accident $10,000 property damage liability per accident
Minimum UIM auto insurance limits
Liability: 25/50/10 UM BI: 25/50 PIP: $50,000
Workers compensation eligibility
Not Eligible

Recent New York State Court rules High Interest Rate on Lawsuit Cash Advance Not Usurious Because Not a Loan,

Cash advances for individuals with pending personal injury litigation are not considered “loans” under New York State law because there is no absolute obligation by a consumer to repay them. The contracts provide that, in the event the consumer receives no recovery from his/her claim, the consumer owes no money to the company making the cash advance.

Clear and conspicuous disclosure statement regarding the cash advance, including the total amount of the cash advance; Clearly and boldly listing and defining one-time fees in a disclosure statement,  application fees, attorney review fees processing and handling, and origination (broker); the annualized use fee on the legal funding; and the total amount to be repaid, clearly shown in  repayment schedule in 6 months increments going out to 36 months;

A boldly listed rescission clause stating a five-business-day period from time of receipt of funds, the right to cancel the contract without obligation or penalty;

A notarized acknowledgment by the seller’s legal representation that the contract has been reviewed and explained to his/her client;

For English and Spanish speaking consumers, contracts written in the same language in which the oral negotiations were conducted. For consumers whose primary language is neither English or Spanish, a translation of the “principal terms” of the contract into their native language

New York State Injury Law: New State Case Law and how Pre Settlement Cash Advances are Affected?

The statute of limitations for personal injury suits in New York is 36 months from the date of the accident. The plaintiff has 36 months to file a lawsuit naming those responsible who have caused harm. After this period of time, it would be extremely rare that any legal venue in New York State would allow a case to be filed. Any chance for the injuried party to receive a settlement for damages would be unlikely. Although, there are certian statues for those who have been harmed as result of negligence by a government agency or offical. Under these circumstances, the plaintiff has 90 days to file a formal claim against the governement agency responsible in New York, and 12 months to submitt and file a complaint. Personal injury victums also have 90 days to place against the New York state agency on notice that they plan on offically filing in court claim if they cannot determine the actual damages they have suffered (for exmaple if the plaintiff has not yet completed medial treatment) during the statue if limitations as described.

Overview of Negligence in New York State Accident or Injury Claims

Negligence is a term used to characterize conduct that creates an unreasonable risk of harm to others. New York has adopted the  concept of contributory negligence is used to characterize conduct that creates an unreasonable risk to one’s self. The idea is that an individual has a duty to act as a reasonable person. When a person does not act this way and injury occurs, that person may be held entirely or partially responsible for the resulting injury, even though another party was involved in the accident. Under this jurisdiction, a judge or jury assigns a percentage of responsibility to each party, which determines the monetary value they are entitled to. Traditionally, the courts viewed contributory negligence as a total bar to the recovery of any damages. Under the traditional view, if a person had contributed to the accident in any way, the person was not entitled to compensation for his or her injuries. In an attempt to reduce the harsh, oftentimes unfair outcomes resulting from this approach, most states have now adopted a comparative negligence approach.

Laws and Regulations of Lawsuit Funding in New York

There are many experienced personal injury lawyers based in New York who are waiting to take on your case:

Harmon, Linder & Rogowsky
3 Park Avenue Suite 2300, NY 10016

Law Offices of Daniel Ciminelli
3717 Seneca Street
West Seneca, NY 14224

Cellino & Barnes, Buffalo Office
2500 Main Place Tower, 350 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14202

The Stanley Law Offices, LLP
215 Burnet Ave., Syracuse, NY 13203

Ajlou NY & Associates
320 Old Country Road #205
Garden City, NY11530

Alexander Bespech NY Law Office
2931 Westchester Ave
Bronx, NY 10461

Anderson, Moschetti & Taffa, PLLC
26 Century Hill Drive, Suite 206
Latham, NY 12110

Car Accident and Fatality Statistics in New York

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury-related death for New York state residents. According to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System, there were 933 fatal crashes causing 999 deaths in New York in 2017. A total of 347 crash fatalities were car occupants, making up 35% of all road deaths that year, followed by 242 pedestrians and 145 motorcyclists.

At Fortress Legal Funding, we offer lawsuit funding for drivers in New York who are involved in car accident cases. The most common cases we work with are:

Get in touch with our team at Fortress Legal Funding for a free case evaluation, and more information on lawsuit funding in New York.

How do I know if I qualify for a pre-settlement loan in New York?

You automatically qualify for lawsuit funding if you have sustained any personal injuries that were caused by another person or entity. Generally, anybody that has sustained significant injuries in New York is entitled to a free and quick application.

Will I receive lawsuit loan or cash advance?

Though the funding is typically referred to as a lawsuit loan, it is, in fact, a cash advance against your final lawsuit settlement. This advance is also non-recourse, meaning that you will not have to repay us if your case is unsuccessful. Here at Fortress Legal Funding, we only collect from customers that win their case or obtain a settlement.

Does it matter how I spend the lawsuit funding?

There are no restrictions in place when it comes to how you spend your pre-settlement loan. Our funding helps those in need of financial support during a personal injury case, and some plaintiffs use the advance to pay debts, rent, and medical bills.

Apply For Lawsuit Funding in New York Now

Our team will handle all lawsuit funding in New York with efficiency and sensitivity, with specialists ready to serve personal injury plaintiffs any time of day. Please contact us to receive a free case evaluation, and to learn more about the benefits of a New York pre-settlement cash advance.


Fortress Legal Funding (FLF) is a legal funding company located in the heart of New York City’s financial district. We provide those plaintiffs who have been injured because of another person actions with funds based on the legal settlement they will receive.

We providing financing at no risk to you and it’s free to apply. The funds provided are called non-recourse, which means we are re-payed only if you successfully win your lawsuit. If you lose your case, you keep the money we gave you and owe us nothing. The legal funding provided is an investment in your potential settlement award rather than a loan.


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